Luke 1:26-56
Mary was just a teenager who was engaged to a man, Joseph, when an angel came and told her that she would give birth to a son, even though she was a virgin. Can you imagine that?! I can’t, and I’ve actually thought about it many times—what I would do if that were me, how I would tell others, how probably everyone would think I was crazy. And I’m sure Mary was worried about all of those things as well. I mean honestly, who would believe a teenage girl when she says she’s a virgin and God made her pregnant? Probably nobody. Joseph didn’t even believe her right away! He was actually making plans to divorce her quietly. It wasn’t until an angel came and told him that what Mary said is true, that he believed her.
The angel told Mary not to fear and that she has found favor with God. Then, he goes on to tell her that she’ll conceive and give birth to a son, who she is to name, Jesus. He will be great and God will give him David’s throne and he will reign over all of Jacob’s descendants forever. His kingdom will never end. When David was king, God made him a promise that one of his descendants will always be on the throne. We see that with all of the kings of Judah—they are all descendants of David in the line of Judah. But Jesus won’t just temporarily reign, he will reign forever and his kingdom will never end.
Mary just asked how this is going to happen, since she’s a virgin, and the angel told her that the Holy Spirit will come on her and the baby will be the Son of God. That is quite the calling. Huge, unexpected news! But what is Mary’s response? “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” Her response was just humble acceptance of this mighty calling. She is to conceive, carry, give birth to, raise, love, care for the Son of God! That is no easy task! I have never done any of those things, but I’m sure none of it is easy. Then, you add on top of it the rumors, shame, disbelief everyone around her is likely placing on her, it makes it even harder.
Yet, her response was just complete willingness to do what God has asked her to do. She even sang a beautiful song about it later when she was with her relative, Elizabeth, who was also miraculously pregnant! Sometimes God asks us to do things that may not make sense at all, or we know it will be really hard, or others won’t understand. I pray that our response to what God calls us to do, will be like Mary’s—I am your servant Lord, may what you say be fulfilled. Such a humble acceptance of such a mighty calling. One that will drastically change her life and won’t be easy, but will be unbelievably worth it.
Lord, help me to humbly accept what you call me to do throughout my life. I am your servant and I want to be used by you. Give me the courage and strength to do what you call me to do, even when it doesn’t make sense to others.
Questions/Journal Prompts
Feel free to use these questions as a guide as you journal and/or pray.
1. Is there something you feel like God is calling you to do now?
2. If you were Mary, what would your response be? How would you feel?
3. Have you ever had a time when you felt misunderstood by others when you were doing what God called you to do? What was that like?
Songs to listen to
Spend some time listening to these songs, reflecting on the words, and sitting with Jesus.
“Mary’s Song” by Robbie Seay Band
“Breath of Heaven” by Amy Grant
