Luke 2:1-20
The Christmas story in Luke 2 is one that, if you’ve grown up in the church, you’ve probably heard at least once every year around this time. Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem for a census when Mary is pretty close to giving birth. I wonder if she had this whole birth plan in place, who’s going to be there to help her, extra blankets, a cute outfit for baby Jesus. But then, they have to take a last-minute trip. That little trip was about 80 miles and likely took at least 5 days on foot/donkey, maybe even longer depending on how Mary was feeling and how many potty breaks she needed to take!
Then, once they got there, they didn’t have a place to stay. Tons of people were already packed into the city of Bethlehem and no one had any guest bedrooms available for them. So, she had to give birth to him where all the animals hang out. Once she did, she wrapped him in cloth and placed him in a manger, which is basically like a feeding trough for the animals. Not the ideal situation Mary probably had in mind for her first birth, her first baby, let alone for the Son of God.
After this happened, an angel appeared to a group of shepherds nearby and shared with them the “good news that will cause great joy for all people.” After the angel gave them the details on what happened and where they can find the baby Messiah, a bunch of angels appeared, praising God. Then, the shepherds made their way to Bethlehem to see what the angel told them about, or rather, who the angel told them about.
The shepherds found Mary, Joseph, and the baby. They were the first visitors, that we know of, to see the Messiah! A group of lowly, probably dirty, shepherds. I mean they are outside with their sheep basically all day, every day. But they had to come, and after they did and saw what the angel told them about, they went out and spread the word to so many others. And then, they came back! They returned after telling others about him, glorifying and praising God for what they saw and heard. Their response was worship. That should be our response to hearing about Jesus too—worship!
There’s this verse in the midst of the shepherds visiting them that I just love. Luke 2:19 says, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” I’m sure this has all been a whirlwind for her. So much was going on. I mean, she just gave birth, is probably exhausted, relieved, in pain, overjoyed, and then had a group of shepherds show up to see her newborn baby.
She could have easily been really overwhelmed by everything that was happening and just asked everyone to leave so she could get some rest. But instead, it says that she treasured all these things—the craziness, the beauty, the joy, the reality of what just happened, their visitors, news of her son spreading, the fact that she is a new mother and that her son is the Son of God. She treasured it all and pondered them in her heart.
The Christmas story is one that we so often hear, tell, read, that we may not even think much about it. But this story is incredible and so beautiful. This year, instead of just rushing through the story, take some time to ponder it in your heart, like Mary did. Then, take some time to ponder what God has done in your life this past year. Let’s learn to take things in when we encounter God, or when he shows up, or when we see him moving—to treasure them, and ponder them in our hearts.
God, thank you for the amazing, unique, unexpected, beautiful moments surrounding Jesus’ birth. Help me to really take the time to ponder these things in my heart, as well as the ways that you’ve moved in my life the past year. Teach me how to treasure those moments and ponder them in my heart like Mary did.
Questions/Journal Prompts
Feel free to use these questions as a guide as you journal and/or pray.
1. What is something from the Christmas story that you can ponder in your heart right now?
2. Is your response to hearing about Jesus or seeing him move or work, like the shepherds? Why or why not?
3. What are some things that God has done in your life this past year? Take some time to ponder those things in your heart.
Songs to listen to
Spend some time listening to this song, reflecting on the words, and sitting with Jesus.
“What Child Is This” by Phil Wickham
