Ponder : Week 9, Devotional 3
Scripture Luke 2:1-20 The Christmas story in Luke 2 is one that, if you’ve grown up in the church, you’ve probably heard at least once...
Scripture Luke 2:1-20 The Christmas story in Luke 2 is one that, if you’ve grown up in the church, you’ve probably heard at least once...
Scripture Matthew 1:18-25 John 1:14 Isaiah 9:6-7 Philippians 2:5-11 Emmanuel. Every single Christmas, that word draws my heart in....
Scripture Luke 1:26-56 Mary was just a teenager who was engaged to a man, Joseph, when an angel came and told her that she would give...
Scripture 1 Kings 15:1-15 2 Kings 18:1-8 1 and 2 Kings tells the story of many, many kings of Israel, and after Israel split, Israel and...
Scripture Ecclesiastes 1:1-16 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 One of the books that Solomon wrote and filled with his wisdom, was Ecclesiastes....
Scripture 1 Kings 3:1-15 James 1:5 James 3:13-18 Can you imagine God asking you directly, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you”? You...
This devotional is written by Evan Moore. Scripture 1 Samuel 13:14 1 Samuel 16:1-13 “The Lord Doesn’t see things the way you see them....
Scripture 2 Samuel 11:1-27 Bathsheba’s story is not an easy one to read or hear. It is full of pain, hurt, abuse, loss, and more. Yet, in...
Scripture 2 Samuel 12:1-13 Psalm 51 After everything happened with Bathsheba—David raping her, getting her pregnant, having her husband...
Scripture Ruth 1:19-21 Ruth 4:13-17 Revelation 21:1-5 We will all have seasons in our life that are bitter, not exactly that we are...
Scripture Ruth 1:8 Ruth 2:2, 8-20 Ruth 3:7-11 There are two words in Ruth that appear three times each. These words are themes throughout...
Scripture Ruth 1:1-18 After Naomi lost her husband and both of her sons while they were living in Moab, she was just left with her two...
Scripture Joshua 6:1-25 Military strategies are not something I know much about. However, I can tell you that the strategy the Israelites...
Scripture Joshua 6:25 Matthew 1:5 Psalm 103 1 John 1:7 Salmon is a minor character in the story we’re looking at this week, the one of...
Scripture Joshua 2:1-16 Jeremiah 29:12-14 When Joshua sent two spies into the land of Canaan, the promised land, he told them to make...
Scripture Genesis 37:12-28 Genesis 44:1-34 Joseph was Jacob’s favorite of all 12 of his sons, and he treated him with favoritism. He was...
Scripture Genesis 49:8-12 Philippians 2:6-11 Revelation 5:1-14 Before Jacob died, we see in Genesis 49 that he called for his sons, and...
Scripture Genesis 38 Messy, righteous, outsider. Those are three words that describe Tamar. She was an outsider; a Canaanite, Gentile,...
Scripture Genesis 32:1-21 Genesis 33:1-18 Matthew 5:43-48 When we are first introduced to the twins, Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25, we see...
Scripture Genesis 29:14-35 In Genesis 29, we see the story of Jacob marrying Leah and Rachel. Rachel was so beautiful and Jacob fell in...