Ecclesiastes 1:1-16
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
One of the books that Solomon wrote and filled with his wisdom, was Ecclesiastes. However, it can be somewhat of a depressing book to read. It starts out with, “Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” Wow, someone was having a rough day… But Solomon goes on throughout this book to talk about how he’s tried everything, and none of it satisfied him. He came to the conclusion that everything done under the sun is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
When I said he tried everything, I mean, he tried everything. He tried building houses, planting vineyards, owned a ton of animals, had so much wealth, and more. He was the wisest man, other than Jesus, to ever live, because he asked God for wisdom, and he gave it to him. He worked hard, was very successful, very rich, very wise, had 1,000 wives/concubines.
He seemed to have it all and experienced it all. But, even after all of that, his observation was, it’s all meaningless. He did come to a conclusion at the end of the book. In Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 he says, “Now all has been heard: here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”
So, after all of that, he says to fear God and keep his commandments. This word, “fear” is more meaning, be in awe of; a respectful awe. The things that Solomon did weren’t necessarily bad (although having 1,000 wives/concubines I would say is not great, at all…). Working hard, building things, enjoying life—those things aren’t bad in and of themselves. But, when you do them separate from God, separate from a relationship with him, it’s all going to be meaningless. When you are doing those things to glorify yourself instead of glorify God, it’s ultimately going to be pointless, even if it feels good at the time.
The only thing that truly matters in life and that we are called to do is to fear God, follow him, and keep his commandments, which are ultimately, love God and love others. When we do those things, it will impact everything you do, the way you interact with others, and the way you live. Those things won’t be meaningless when you’re connected to God.
It seems like Solomon went off the rails and his heart wasn’t fully devoted to God since his wives all pulled his heart away. However, I wonder if after all of that, he wrote Ecclesiastes, realizing that all of those things were ultimately meaningless, and the only thing that truly mattered, was his heart being fully devoted to God. That is one of the wisest things for each of us to realize.
Lord, it is so tempting, and so easy to chase after material things, or to do things all on my own. When I start to do that, would you just remind me how it’s all meaningless without you. May my life and my heart be fully devoted to you and used to glorify you alone, not myself.
Questions/Journal Prompts
Feel free to use these questions as a guide as you journal and/or pray.
1. Have you found satisfaction in anything outside of God?
2. Do you believe that God is the only one who can fully satisfy you, and no other person or thing can?
3. What would it look like for you to do the things in your life with God, instead of on your own and apart from him?
Songs to listen to
Spend some time listening to this song, reflecting on the words, and sitting with Jesus.
“You Satisfy” by Upper Room Music