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The Lord Will Provide : Week 2, Devotional 2

Updated: Oct 10, 2021


Genesis 21:1-2

Genesis 22:1-14

Genesis 24:62-67

Genesis 25:21

John 3:16-17

One of the main themes throughout Isaac’s story is of provision, the Lord’s provision. The first time we see that is in his birth. God provided a son for Abraham and Sarah, even in their old age (100 and 99 years old respectively)! God gave them this promise that their descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, and even though they didn’t have any children at the time, God had a plan and he was working it out. Isaac was the fulfillment of that promise. God provided them a child who would continue to fulfill that promise that God made to Abraham starting in Genesis 12.

The Lord continued to provide in the life of Isaac. On the mountain after Abraham almost sacrificed his son and God stopped him, God provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead. When Isaac had asked before this where the lamb was for the offering, Abraham told him, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” God did just that—he provided a ram for the offering. So, Abraham called that place, “The Lord Will Provide,” because that’s what he did there on that mountain.

The next part of Isaac’s story where we see the Lord’s provision is of a wife, which we see in Genesis 24. Isaac married her, he loved her, and he was also comforted after his mother’s death. So, God not only provided him a wife and partner, but through her, God gave Isaac love and comfort as well. Finally, we see how after Rebekah was childless, Isaac prayed to God on her behalf and the he answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant, giving birth to not one, but two sons.

God provides for us in so many ways. He provides for us in the form of our basic needs—a bed to sleep in, food to eat, a school to go to, job, and so on. He also provides other things that are so important—community, friendships, family, and more. Our God is a God who provides. He cares for us and wants to meet our needs.

The ultimate way God provided for us though is through his son, Jesus. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all of humanity. Through his sacrifice, the death and resurrection of Jesus, he paid the price for our sins. Like the ram God provided for Abraham to sacrifice in Isaac’s place, God provided and gave his son, Jesus, to be the sacrifice in your place, our place, in the place of every single person.


You are a God who provides and I thank you for that. Thank you for the many ways you have provided for me in my life, and how you will provide for me in the future. Help me to see the ways you’ve provided when I can’t see them. Thank you for your son and how you provided Jesus to be the sacrifice in my place.

Questions/Journal Prompts

Feel free to use these questions as a guide as you journal and/or pray.

1. Are there areas where you feel like God hasn’t provided? Talk to him about those.

2. How has God provided for you lately? Make a list of ways God has provided for you.

3. Where are you praying God will provide for you right now?

Songs to listen to

Spend some time listening to these songs, reflecting on the words, and sitting with Jesus.

“The Story I’ll Tell” by Maverick City Music

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